Friday, September 27th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Orange Shirt day = Please try and remember to wear an orange shirt on Monday. 2. Ideal Classroom = Written Descriptions will be due next Friday, Oct 4th. 3. Novel Study = Ch.1-7 Quiz will be on Tues, Oct 1st
Thursday, September 26th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Ideal Classroom Maps due tomorrow (HW Check #3) 2. Spelling: Week 3 package and quiz tomorrow 3. Terry Fox Run tomorrow 4. Math: 2.3 (pg.56-58 #1-3, 5, 9, 13, and 15) due tomorrow 5. Parent/Teacher interviews are on Monday, October 7th.
Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Novel Study: Ch.5-7 Questions are due tomorrow 2. Math: Sec 2.3 (p.56-58 #1-3, 5,9, 13, and 15) is due on Friday 3. Terry Fox Run is on Friday... Please remember to bring back your permission forms if you haven't already. 4. Ideal Classroom Maps are due this Friday ( HW check #3 )
Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Ideal Classroom Maps are now due on Friday ( H.W. Check #3 ) 2. Novel Study = Read Ch.5-7 (questions are due on Thursday) 3. School Photos = are tomorrow! 4. Spelling = Remember to put your name on your work. Lots of people still missing Week 2. Week 3 is due on Friday. 5. Math = Find a common multiple of 12 and 32 (due tomorrow)
Thursday, September 19th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Spelling: Week 2 (Test tomorrow) 2. Ideal Classroom Maps are due next Wednesday, Sept 25th ( HW check #3 ) 3. Holes: Read to the end of ch.4. Questions are due Tuesday, Sept 24th. 4. Art Cards are due on Tuesday, Sept 24th. 5. Reminder: No school on Monday as it is a Pro-D day.
Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Math: 2.2 (pg.52-54 #1-9) due tomorrow 2. EBOLA Maps are now due on Thursday (HW check) 3. Verification Forms (please return as soon as possible)
Monday, September 16th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (Week 2) packages are due Friday 2. Art Cards are due next Tuesday, Sept 24th 3. Socials: Ebola Maps are due on Wednesday ( Homework check #2 ) 4. Consent Forms (please return as soon as possible)
Friday, September 13th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Math 2.1 (pg.48-49 #1-7,9) are due Monday 2. Parent Letters (please get signed and returned) 3. Ebola Maps are due on Wednesday, Sept 18th
Thursday, September 12th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Spelling: Week 1 Test and spelling packages are due tomorrow! 2. Classroom Belief Statements are due tomorrow. 3. Math: 2.1 (pg. 48-49 #1-7, 9) is due on Monday, Sept 16th.
Wednesday, Sept 11th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. "Battling Ebola" questions are due tomorrow (hw check #1 ) 2. Writing: "Classroom Beliefs" 5 written statements are due this Friday. 3. Socials: Ebola Maps are due next Wednesday, Sept 18th. 4. Reminder that we have gym tomorrow, so please bring your running shoes and gym strip!
Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Nametags: Please get them into Mr.Hine as soon as possible 2. Reading: "Battling Ebola" Questions are due on Thursday 3. Classmate Interviews = We will have the rest of the presentations tomorrow. If you have already done your presentations please make sure you hand in your interview sheet to Mr.Hine or the inbox.
Monday, Sept 9th, 2019 AGENDA: 1. Name Tags = please finish and hand in as soon as possible so that Mr.Hine can get them laminated. 2. Spelling: Week 1 spelling packages are due this Friday. We will also be having our quiz that day as well. 3. Classmate Interviews = The remainder of the presentations will be taking place tomorrow afternoon. Please make sure you have handed in your interview sheets (with your name on it) to the inbox if you have already presented. 4. PE = Our gym days are Mondays and Thursdays, so please bring indoor running shoes and gym strip on these days.