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Showing posts from December, 2021

Thurs, Dec 16th Agenda

 Thursday, December 16th, 2021 AGENDA: A few reminders about tomorrow, as it's the last day before our break: 1. SAC Day - feel free to wear pyjamas, an ugly sweater, or just dress in Christmas colours (red/green/white) to show your school spirit! 2. Lockers - Please remember to take home your winter clothes (jackets, snowpants, boots).  3. Library Books - Don't forget they will be overdue the first week we return in January.

Wed, Dec 15th, Agenda

Wednesday, December 15th, 2021 AGENDA: 1. Dubai Maps - are now due Friday. 2. "Secret Santa" - please remember to bring your gift and put under the tree no later than this Thursday. We will be opening them in the afternoon. 3. PJ/Ugly Sweater Day - On Friday, feel free to wear your pyjamas or an ugly sweater, etc.

Tues, Dec 14th Agenda

 Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 AGENDA: 1. Superhero Illustration/drawing  2. Greatest Cdn Presentations: (If you have not presented, expect to do so tomorrow) 3. Dubai Maps - are now due Friday. 4. "Secret Santa" - please remember to bring your gift and put under the tree no later than this Thursday. We will be opening them in the afternoon. 5. PJ/Ugly Sweater Day - On Friday, feel free to wear your pyjamas or an ugly sweater, etc.

Fri, Dec 10th Agenda

 Friday, December 10th, 2021 AGENDA: 1. Math: "Lowest Common Multiple" Worksheet (due Monday) 2. Greatest Canadian Presentations (Mon,Tues,Wed) next week. Please be ready to present on Monday! 3. Socials: Reminder that "Dubai Maps" are due Wednesday. 4. Secret Santa = please remember to bring your gifts and put them under the tree next week. We are opening them together on Thursday afternoon.

Thurs, Dec 9th Agenda

 Thursday, December 9th, 2021 AGENDA: 1. Greatest Canadian Wax Museum tomorrow afternoon!  -Speech must be written on a cue card. Please remember to practice tonight!  -Costumes aren't required, but are also encouraged. 2.Spelling (Week 11) due tomorrow 3. "Dubai Expo 2020" Questions due tomorrow. 4. Class Meeting Tomorrow: (between recess/lunch) Chair= Khloe Secretary = Everly Encourager = Mackenzie

Wed, Dec 8th Agenda

 Wednesday, December 8th, 2021 AGENDA: 1. "Dubai Expo 2020" Questions (due Friday) 2. "Middle East" Map is not due til next Wednesday, Dec 15th. 3. Greatest Canadian = Wax Museum on Friday afternoon. Please ensure you have written your speech/practiced ahead of time. Students are encouraged to dress up.

Tues, Dec 7th Agenda

 Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 AGENDA: 1. Math: "Order of Operations" p.138-139 due tomorrow 2. Math: Quiz tomorrow (Order of operations, integers) 3. Greatest Canadian Wax Museum this Friday!  4. Spelling (Week 11) due Friday

Fri, Dec 3rd Agenda

 Friday, December 3rd, 2021 AGENDA: 1. "Secret Santa" - Please bring a small gift for a classmate and put under our tree by Thurs, Dec 16th . Gifts may be homemade or purchased, but please don't exceed $15. 2. Math: Quiz on Wednesday (Place Value, Integers, and Order of Operations) 3. Have a nice weekend everyone. See you on Tuesday :)

Thurs, Dec 2nd Agenda

 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (week 10) due tomorrow 2. Writing: Superhero (Final Drafts) due tomorrow 3. Pit Stop: Last day to bring in items is tomorrow. Thanks to all who have contributed so far :) 4. Class Meeting (tomorrow):  Encourager: Makenzie Secretary: Everly Chair: Khloe

Wed, Dec 1st Agenda

 Wednesday, December 1st, 2021 AGENDA: 1. Superhero Writing - Final Drafts are due this Friday (This does NOT include the illustration, just the writing) 2. Christmas Mosaic Art - Due this Friday. 3. Pit Stop: Please bring in at least 1 donation for the less fortunate. Think warm clothing (gloves, socks, toque), or non-perishable food item. The gr.7's will be collecting from all classes this Friday.