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Showing posts from January, 2020

Thursday, January 30th Agenda

Thursday, January 30th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Novel Study = Ch.5/6 Quiz tomorrow 2. Spelling: Week 19 due tomorrow 3. Rotary Speeches = Finish rough copy, time/record yourself, practice and rehearse at home. Class speeches start on Monday! 4. Math: Geometry City Maps will be due next Thursday, Feb 6th ( HW check ) 5. Literacy Week: Remember to keep filling out your minutes read for the "Principal's Challenge" Tomorrow is "What's my word Day" so make sure you have an interesting word and it's definition written on a piece of paper. The object is to see how many people you can teach it to.

Wednesday, January 29th Agenda

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Novel Study = Bridge to Terabithia Ch.5-6 Questions are due tomorrow. We will be having a quiz on Friday! 2. Math = Geometry Cities (Good Copies will be due next Thursday, Feb 6th) 3. Rotary Speeches = We will be starting our classroom speeches on Monday 4. Literacy Week = Tomorrow is "Poem in my Pocket" Day, so be sure you have a poem in your pocket, and be prepared to read it to someone, if asked...

Tuesday, January 28th Agenda

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math = Geometry City Rough Copy ( HW Check tomorrow ) 2. Literacy Week = Principal's Challenge/ Tomorrow is " Read Me Day " 3. Rotary Speech Contest = Classroom speeches will be starting next week. Those who are wanting to compete for a chance to represent our class should be prepared to present on Monday/Tuesday.

Monday, January 27th Agenda

Monday, January 27th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math: Geometry City Maps (Rough Copies) are due on Wed ( HW Check ) 2. Spelling: Week 19 (due Friday) 3. Literacy Week : Principal's Challenge (Make sure you record how much you read tonight and get it initialled by a parent/guardian) Tomorrow is "Bust a Gut Day," so be prepared to share a funny joke, if asked.  Book Swap = For those who have brought in used books, the book swap will take place on Thursday. 

Wednesday, January 22nd Agenda

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020 AGENDA: 1.Novel Study = Ch.3-4 Questions (Read ch.5) 2.Science = Human Body Presentations (see schedule and please make sure you are prepared to present on your day) 3.USA Maps (overdue) 4.Skating = tomorrow (bring skates and helmet) Reminders: -Sun Peaks = Deadline for all forms is this Friday -Book Swap = Remember to bring in your used books to contribute to our book swap. Next week is "Literacy Week"

Tuesday, January 21st Agenda

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math: p.148-149 #2-8 (due tomorrow) 2. Science = Human Body Presentations (see schedule and please make sure you are prepared to present on your day) 3. USA Maps (overdue) Reminders: -Skating = This Thursday pm (bring skates and helmet) -Sun Peaks = Deadline for all forms is this Friday -Book Swap = Remember to bring in your used books to contribute to our book swap. Next week is "Literacy Week"

Monday, January 20th Agenda

Monday, January 20th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math: Triangle Investigation Worksheet (due tomorrow) 2. Math: (4.6) p.148-149 #2-8 (due Wednesday) 3. Spelling (Week 18) due Friday 4. Science: Human Body Presentations this week 5. Socials: "USA Maps" are due tomorrow Additional Reminders: -Skating this Thursday pm. (remember to bring your helmet and skates!) -Sun Peaks = Deadline to bring in all forms is this Friday

Friday, January 17th Agenda

Friday, January 17th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math: Triangle Investigation Wk.Sheet (due Tuesday) 2. USA Map: (due Tuesday) 3. Science: Human Body Presentations begin Monday 4. Book Swap: Please bring in your old books to contribute to our book swap.

Thursday, January 16th Agenda

Thursday, January 16th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (week 17) 2. Math: (4.3) pages 141-142 #1-3, 6,7, 10 (due tomorrow) 3. Novel Study = Ch.1-2 Questions (due Monday), read ahead to ch.4 4. Science = Human Body Presentations are next week (Start on Monday). Please make sure you are finished your slide shows and posters so that you are able to present. 5. SUN PEAKS = Reminder to bring in forms by next Friday, Jan 24. Also, please remember to indicate whether you are skiing or snowboarding :) 6. BOOK Swap = Just a reminder that there will be a book swap next Monday, Jan 20th. If you have any books that are still in good shape (that you're not going to read anymore), bring them in and you can swap them for some new books :)

Wednesday, January 15th Agenda

Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (Week 17) 2. Math (4.4) pp.141-142 #1-3,6,7,9 (due Friday) 3. Socials: "USA Map" (due next Tuesday, Jan 21st) 4. Unfinished Assignments (please take for homework if name up on board) 5. Sun Peaks: Forms are due next Friday, Jan 24th.

Monday, January 13th Agenda

Monday, January 13th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (Week 17) 2. Overdue Work (Spelling, Holes Brochures, Brexit Ques/ Map, etc...) 3. Science: Human Body Posters/Slideshows ( Presentation start next week! ) 4. Sun Peaks ( Permission Forms/Fees are due next Friday, Jan 24th )

Friday, January 10th Agenda

Friday, January 10th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Geometry Scavenger Hunt Booklets (due Monday) 2. Santa... I Can Explain Letters (due Monday) 3. Unfinished/Overdue Assignements 4. Science = Next week will be the last one to work on your Human Body Projects. Presentations will start the week of Jan (20-24th).   5. Sun Peaks = Deadline for forms is Jan 24th

Thursday, January 9th Agenda

Thursday, January 9th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (Week 16) due tomorrow 2. Math: (4.3) Pg.136-138 #1-6, 9 (due tomorrow) 3. Geometry Scavenger Hunt Booklets (due Monday) 4. Unfinished/Overdue Assignments 5. Field trip: Tomorrow we are going to the Kamloops Symphony! 6. Sun Peaks: Permission forms/fees in as soon as possible please. (deadline is Fri, Jan 24th)

Wednesday, January 8th Agenda

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 AGENDA : 1. Math (4.3) Pg.136-137 #1-6, 9 (due Friday) 2. Geometry Booklets (are now due on Monday)  3. Unfinished/Overdue Assignments 4. Sun Peaks Permission Forms/Fees: Please bring these in as soon as possible. The deadline for forms is Friday, Jan 24th...

Tuesday, January 7th Agenda

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Writing: "Santa... I Can Explain" Letters (due Friday) 2. Unfinished Assignments (Spelling, U.K. Maps, Holes Brochures...) 3. Math: Geometry Booklets (due Friday) 4. Sun Peaks = Please try to bring back all the forms as soon as possible. The due date for forms is Friday, Jan 24th .

Monday, January 6th Agenda

Monday, January 6th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math: (p.146-147 Worksheet) due tomorrow 2. Writing: "Santa... I Can Explain... planning sheet" 3. Unfinished Assignments (Spelling, UK Maps, Holes Brochures, etc...) 4. Reminders: -Indoor Running Shoes, proper snow attire -This Friday = Field trip to Kamloops Symphony