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Showing posts from September, 2024

Wed, Sept 18th Agenda

 Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. Terry Fox Run tomorrow. .. Please remember your "walking permission form" if you haven't returned it yet. Don't forget your "toonie for Terry" donation as well. We will be running, rain or shine! 2. Alberta Maps - due tomorrow 3. Reading Assessments - due Friday (MUST DO) 4. Terry Fox Maps/Facts - due Friday (MUST DO)

Tues, Sept 17th Agenda

 Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. Math: "Mult/Div" due tomorrow (HW Check tomorrow!) 2. Alberta maps (due Thursday) 3. $2 for Terry - please remember to bring in a donation this week! 4. Terry Fox Maps - due Friday (MUST DO!) 5. HW for Ms. Katy - 2 ways that you can make today's poor behaviour up to Ms.Katy/Ms.Torres...

Mon, Sept 16th Agenda

 Monday, September 16th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (week 2) due Friday 2. "Jasper Fire" Questions due tomorrow! 3. Map of Alberta due Thursday. 4. Terry Fox Run on Thursday. please remember to bring a toonie donation to support our Terry Fox Run and cancer research. 5. Socials: Terry Fox Map/Research - these are due Friday...

Fri, Sept 13th Agenda

 Friday, September 13th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. Jasper Forest Fire Questions (due Tuesday) 2. Alberta Map Assignment (due Thursday, Sept 19th) 3. Terry Fox Map Assignment (due next Friday, Sept 20th) 4. Have a great weekend!

Thurs, Sept 12th Agenda

 Thursday, September 12th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (Week 1) package due tomorrow. Quiz is also tomorrow! 2. Math: Assessment due tomorrow (MUST DO!) 3. Read: "Jasper Fire" Questions (now due next Tuesday) 4. ART: Nametag/Puzzle Pieces (MUST DO!) 5. ADST (coding) tomorrow. Please remember to bring earbuds/headphones if you want to have sound.

Wed, Sept 11th Agenda

 Wednesday, Sept 11th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. "Jasper Forest Fire" Questions (due Friday) 2. Name Tags (overdue) 3. Reminder - PE tomorrow (gym shoes required!)  4. PAC Fundraiser (BIG DEAL COUPON BOOKS) - order/tracking forms sent home today...

Tues, Sept 10th Agenda

 Tuesday, September 10th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (week 1) due Friday! 2. Forms - please get signed/return ASAP 3. NameTags (overdue) 4. Art - "All About Me" puzzle pieces - due Friday 5. Library/ Silent Reading - We will be having our first Library day next Friday. In the meantime, please remember to bring a silent reading book to have at school.

Fri, Sept 6th Agenda

 Friday, September 6th, 2024 AGENDA: 1. Gym on Monday! Please remember to bring appropriate footwear and clothing. 2. Terry Fox Run Permission Forms - (Terry Fox Run on Thurs, Sept 19th). 3. Verification Forms Package (Big Booklet of Forms to return as soon as possible) 4. Have a nice weekend :)