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Showing posts from March, 2020

Thursday, March 12th Agenda

Thursday, March 12th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Spelling (week 24) due tomorrow 2. Socials (Timelines) due at the end of the day tomorrow 3. Novel Study = Should be done at least 2 activities by tomorrow 4. Report Cards Go Home Today. Please remember to get your envelopes signed and returned. 5. Basketball Jerseys = Please return ASAP 6. Lockers = Please take home any winter-related clothing (jackets, gloves, boots, etc). Gym strip should also go home to be washed over the break :)

Wednesday, March 11th Agenda

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math - Percents Worksheet (due tomorrow) 2. Ind. Novel Study - At least 2 activities completed by Friday 3. Spelling (Week 24) due Friday 4. Report Cards go home tomorrow!!! 5. Basketball Jerseys need to be returned ASAP please

Tuesday, March 10th Agenda

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Socials = Timelines are due this Friday 2. Novel Study = Should be done at least 2 activities by this Friday 3. Math = Percents (p.248-249) Worksheet is due on Thursday 4. Basketball Jerseys = If you borrowed a jersey please bring it back ASAP! Note: Term 2 Report Cards will be going home on Thursday...

Friday, March 6th Agenda

Friday, March 6th, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Australia Maps (overdue) 2. COVID - 19 Questions (overdue) 3. Novel Study = Continue reading your novel. You should be done at least 2 activities by the end of next week. 4. Socials = Timelines will be due next Friday, March 13th.

Tuesday, March 3rd Agenda

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020 AGENDA: 1. Math = Quiz tomorrow (Converting/Comparing Mixed #'s and Imp. Fractions) 2. Australia Maps (due Friday) 3. "COVID-19" Questions are due this Friday 4. Novel Study = Should be finished at least 1 activity by the end of this week